<aside> 💡 If this game jam has a theme, type it here
Add images, videos, and more of anything that you'd like to use as inspiration for this game jam!
<aside> 🖨️ **Fill out some basic info for each idea. Hit the “Add idea” button below to get started, and then for each idea you add, fill out:
<aside> 🎟️ Each player casts a vote (scale of 1-5) for how difficult they think the game will be to make within the time frame of the game jam, and their desire to make it. Use the outcome to make a team decision on which idea should be selected for the jam.
<aside> 💡 TIP: Your team can of course choose any of the ideas you've come up with for the jam, but if you are having trouble deciding, the idea with the lowest difficulty + highest desire is a good one to choose!